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Welcome to the
Teachers' Corner!

We are delighted to launch the Teachers' Corner. It is a unique place where we can share our experiences of bringing origami to the classroom. We'll incorporate various subjects ranging from math, language arts, social studies and visual art as well as addressing various learning standards. Origami benefits are numerous.

We will introduce a new base and diagram one or more models that start using this base. Familiarity with these is most beneficial.

We hope you find the Teachers' Corner an invaluable resource for bringing origami to your classroom. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, please feel to contact us!

Traditional Whale in 6 steps

Traditional Whale - Lesson 1

Teaching Origami
Tell us your Origami teaching experiences and stories! Send us an article or a story about teaching origami and we will publish it here online. If you have lesson plans you've used or resources you'd like to share, we will be happy to post them on this forum.
TC Editors
Rachel Katz - Teacher's Corner

Rachel Katz is an artist who specializes in origami. She is co-author of FUN FOLDS: Language Learning Through Paper Folding; and several of her original models have appeared in

Creased - Magazine for Paper Folders - Origami - Read More

Shrikant Iyer is a New York state certified arts in education consultant and conducts origami and storigami workshops in schools, musuems
Shrikant Iyer - Teacher's Corner
Creased - Magazine for Paper Folders - Origami - Read More


Lesson Plans

Includes diagrams, Tips and Tricks, and NCTM standards.
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Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
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Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
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coming soon!
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